How not to accomplish anything |
Long day. I'm hot, I'm tired, and yes I can't wait to go home for Christmas. Some time back we gave my fan to these people to get it fixed and they just flat out refused to return it. So today we were driving by the policeman, went and met the one on the left who is our local OC and he said "let's go" and hopped in the car. Meanwhile this turned into a nightmare with people shouting at me for asking for my fan back, the guy who said he would fix it has gone to Kampala and a long fight broke out between various women and bystanders about the audacity we had to want the fan back. The owner of this block of stores blamed me for coming to Uganda. He said this isn't like "your" country, I did ask him "which country" and he sputtered. Anyway, he was right, it did not do any good at all and I am never going to see that fan again, there was some pretty nasty threats made by the women at the shop about how I should be careful, which is why I have avoided going back to begin with, until the policeman took in there, anyway, no electricity anyway so why worry about not having a fan?
In happier news I suppose it goes without saying that Monday morning here was like winning the Super Bowl. The only slight downer was that Anna, the Patriots fan stayed over to watch the game with me and here we are in overtime, my Bronco's winning and her on the sofa probably in shock and a bit devastated. I like her so much that it took some of the glow off the win but she finally took a rest and went to her room and I came into mine to use my entire data allowance watching Anderson run that football in again, and again. She's such a good person I had to keep my joy intact until we said good-bye, because seriously this stuff feels so real at times. Lesson learned, never going to watch another game with a Patriots fan! Janet said that in Uganda people do not believe women should watch football, men don't like women who watch football, women don't understand football, and some more.... "In Uganda" statements. In Uganda the grass is green, it rains, people are far more alike then different and if these people watched "real football" there would probably be lines of women knocking over guys to watch Anderson make that touchdown just one more time for the home crowd :) Daughter Beth went to the game and said that it was like winning the Super Bowl, strangers were hugging, everyone so happy. Forget Bock'o's strange haircut for now. We can live with it. I can't say one negative word about Patriot fans because the good people of SEED who are the ones who brought me to sunny, hot, muggy, power free, glove free, crazy Uganda are based there but .......

Love Brady's Haircut in this pic |
Ready at 4:30 am! |
For Prostrate Cancer Beth at the Game |
My class took their exam and looked pretty down and out to be honest. I have looked it over and they did "Okay" but it wasn't exactly a fun few hours with my usual happy people looking down and out. I had to project back to taking Algebra and Statistics a few years back and thinking I would die taking those exams and not being able to relax at all, or take it easy. Anyway, I'm relatively certain that most of them passed, an A here is 80% to 100% in a course, huh? That doesn't exactly reward outstanding students! But not set by the University.
Anna BEFORE the game |
Back to grading exams, looking at the fan, wondering what it would look like if it were on, this is the fan Douglas loaned me not one that I own. And trying to survive in my own little world, I'm hungry, I miss my kids, and I was much better when the trip home was weeks away, now? Just cannot wait to see my family! it isn't going to help that classes have ended so I don't have much to do.